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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Where Penguins Fly!!

I took this photo on top of Queen Wilhelmina at Eagleton Vista right before sunset, the wind was cutting right through me and the clouds were zipping by in the foreground you can see large trees laying over each other as if they were nothing more than twigs, the sun finally dropped as did the temperature with icing on the road and the pink glow of sunset to photograph I did not stay long. :)

December 10, 2013

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Fishing and kayaking in the winter.

It was truly a peaceful and relaxing evening made even more glorious by the amazing sunset.  We are so truly blessed to live in this great state of Arkansas.  Catching fish, shooting a few rapids and spending time with my wife, God has blessed me so much.  Christmas is upon us and will be gone in a flash, if I could only slow down and savor every moment like today.  I hope everyone has the most wonderful Christmas. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A drive into new territory.

Well this is my first blog so here goes. Amazing how close these mountains were to my camper, we turned down county road 70 at cherry hill and in a short 20 min drive we were heading into deep woods if we just would get a decent amount of rain i'm sure we could get some decent stream shots. Anyway we didn't find anything to amazing but it's a start, would have had a better chance if we had left earlier, definitely will try this area again.

Does the Buffalo still flow if no one gets to see it?

The beautiful Buffalo River, here we are locked out and dreaming of Fall. To hear the slow flow of the river and the call of a hawk as it swoops by, or the bugle of a male Bull Elk. Sure we could get close but who wants to feel rushed like a thief in the night when all the river asks you to do is slow down and set a spell. We need to remember all the people before us that sacrificed a lot to give us this beautiful place. The beautiful Buffalo River has seen its share of battles but it has generally been supported by both sides of the government. It is a shame to block us out of something that is owned by the people, something that we pay taxes on to manage and maintain not a bargaining chip. A true American treasure that we should fight to protect even from our government if need be. We need to take a page from history and learn to stand up and protect once again our great treasures for if we loose one were does it stop.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Heavens Waiting on a Delivery

"Heaven Is Waiting For a Delivery" - Ouachitas

Early morning fog makes such an amazing photo if you can only capture it, the other morning I was blessed with beautiful display of light. Coming up with a name has always been a challenge and in someways is as important to a photo as the photo itself, as I was working on the photo the mailbox kept drawing me back in, and after talking to a friend today who is going through difficult times this was even more fitting of a name and I hope it touches others as well who are struggling. May you all be touched by Gods Love.

Dedicated to Joann Aynes

PLease share!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Celebrating Our Fallen Heroes - Fort Smith National Cemetery July 7, 2013

Fort Smith National Cemetery

Fort Smith, Arkansas July 7, 2013

When the first Fort Smith was laid out in 1817, land was set aside for a military cemetery. Granted national status in 1867, the 21-acre U.S. National Cemetery contains almost 10,000 graves -- among them Judge Isaac Parker and "Darby's Rangers" founder William O. Darby. The colorful "Avenue of Flags" is displayed each year on patriotic holidays. It is the oldest national cemetery in the country and one of only two National Cemeteries in the South where both Union and Confederate Soldiers are buried, including some side by side.

This photo was taken a couple days after the fourth of July, but to me it was still an overwhelming experience, there is more than 10,000 headstones of soldiers going back over 200 years representing sacrafices that gives us our freedom today. When our freedoms our challenged I think it is very important to remember what has been given by our soldiers and there families. Maybe a visit to a place like this should be something that we all should be doing I'm glad that I did. This photo in black and white backlit by the sun is to date one of my favorite photos, haunting yet with the shadows very patriotic, I hope as you view this photo it stirs something inside you as it did me, and it makes you proud to be an American.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Buffalo River in the Spring 2013

It was and amazing time to be out exploring the Buffalo for we were blessed with rain and all the waterfalls and the River itself was full of water. Most mornings it was a little chilly but that just meant that maybe the snakes would stay away for a little longer. Nothing like camping out on Steele Creek enjoying the amazing views of Roark's Bluff and listening to the river as its flows by. I had decided to get up at 4 and see if the clouds would be laying in the valley and with that some inspiration to head to Hawksbill Craig for an early morning shoot but it wasn't meant to be so back to sleep for a couple more hours. I did get up at 6 and quickly got dressed and wandered down to the river, it was gorgeous and up a little more than I realized but if I was going to get an amazing elk photo I needed to cross. Well it seemed like a good idea at the time but apparently when it's 34 degrees in the morning an above the waist crossing can be a little extreme ok my brains thinks a lot extreme. Apparently the elk are smarter than me and had decided it was to cold to cross, but not all was lost I spent 3 hours shooting some amazing photos of trails and wildflowers. I hiked back to the campsite to dry off and eat some breakfast and was ready to set off on the next adventure, Double Compton Falls.
It you are lucky enough to go on this hike it will not disappoint even more so if you can catch it with both falls flowing. I can't believe as many times as I have been to Hawksbill Craig that I didn't know this was just up the road, this is such a unique area. My dream is to catch this place in full snow, someday. The hike to Compton
Falls is not to bad if you stay up on the ridge the whole way and you find the trail that takes you down below it. Make sure you allow for plenty of time to shoot here
it deserves it. It was truly and amazing time and I can't wait till fall. I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I did taking them. Until next time happy shooting.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Wildflowers in the Ouachitas of Arksnsas

It is that time of the year when Spring makes everything come to life and all of the waterfalls that I have found will finally put on their best outfit for their new photos. Actually the battle between wildflowers and waterfalls has officially began. An outing with me turns into a marathon using ever ounce of light to do both, but of course the Ouachitas do not disappoint. What new treasure awaits for me around the corner? What new friends will I make? Well only time will tell but for today I'll start with this one.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Icy Winter Photography

If you were willing to brave the cold it was an amazing year to take winter photos.
The train photo was a lucky accident and being in the right place at the right time. I was standing in a creek taking a bridge photo in the snow when I heard the whistle blow and charged up the hill, the photo looks peaceful but add a train moving 45 mph and a bunch of blowing snow and you get a different picture all together. One of the cool things I discovered later is that the train is a Union Pacific train on a Kansas City Southern track. Well I'm off on my next new adventure discovering the many wonders of Arkansas.