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Thursday, October 27, 2011


     As you can see the fall colors in the Ouachitas are starting to peak, I was heading out to scout a waterfall Wednesday when I happened upon this beautiful scene, funny how things fall into place.
Things for me in the photography world have started to take off.  With a whole lot of hard work and
the support of my wonderful wife and friends my name is starting to get out there.  Thanks to the Lord
for giving me the eye and the ability to keep stepping up and sharing this wonderful gift.
     I'm hoping to head to the Buffalo River this weekend to try my luck at the elk shots again and maybe
a panoramic of Hawksbill Crag, and it looks like the rain might make this a better fall than previous for shooting waterfalls.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tiger photo shoot

Well who would of thought I would be taking pictures of a tiger face to face? I was asked to come and take pictures of a rescued tiger, not knowing what to expect it turned out to be an amazing experience. Tristan the tiger is almost 600 lbs and standing almost 9 feet, arriving at the tigers home I was instantly amazed at the quality of the facilities that Gale and her husband had created for Tristan. As I went to set up Tristan let out a roar that made the hair stand on the back of my neck, at that moment I knew that was going to an amazing experience. He then proceded to open his mouth and destroy a plastic 50 lb barrel. Camera in hand I followed Gale to the far end of cage, now keep in mind I had been looking back towered the tiger who was in his house, I turned back to look again and tristan had suddenly appeared quietly behind me covering 30 ft in 3 leaps, man I wouldn't want to be in the wild with a tiger you wouldn't stand a chance. Gale provided me some great information about tigers plus the opportunity to take some great shots, what an amazing creature, oh wait did I mention that he charged the fence from 30 feet straight at me to finally appear towering over me, now if that don't make your heart beat nothing will. Thank you Tristan and thank you Gale.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

First photography show

Picking up where I left off my last blog, in hind site maybe being out in 5 below weather wasn't such a good idea especially since I came down with walking pneumonia, and two weeks later still have a cough.
Well here I am my first photography show, who would have guessed. It definitely took a lot of work and a lot of late nights, but after seeing the show set up I think it's going to be amazing. There is a total of 26 framed photos, 44 matted 11x14 photos and several greeting cards. Well now hopefully I just set back relax, oh wait I have to do what comes natural talk and visit and hopefully sell lots of pictures. Well we finally got enough rain to make waterfalls which is a good thing because I was about to go into withdrawals. Now if I can just find some free time. Ha ha. Well stay tuned for later posts till then Happy New Year!!